PTC is one of the free programme categorized under Get-Paid-To (GPT) programme. In GPT, there are a lot of branches like Paid-to-Read (PTR), Paid-to-Surf (PTS) and so on. However, many people claimed that this programme is a scam and lies. This is true, but not all of the sites are scam. If you know how to judge a sites, you will be making a lot of money from its. Don't worry, if you don't know how to judge a sites, you can check the stable and reliable sites (not scam) from the list in my blog (will be available soon...hehe).
I want to remind you all that, this PTC programme is not a dominant scam programme like "Autosurf", Pyramid system, Ponzi scheme, matrix or MLM. Actually, this PTC is just a business of advertising. That's all. OK, let's move on. For your info, PTC is a programme where you will get paid when you click the advertisement. Yes! it's true. You just view the advertisement for only 30 second and you get paid!!. Easy right??hehe.